
If you want to learn more about frogs and toads and want to dedicate part of your time to their conservation, participate in a volunteer program at Wikiri Sapoparque or at the Jambatu Center.


** If you are not a third level student and/or you don’t have 1 month of time, you can put it on the in the form and we will guide you so that you can work with us under other mechanisms.

Join our team of volunteers

Nombres y apellidos *
Edad *
Nacionalidad *
Ciudad de Residencia *
Número celular *
Email *
Institución a la que perteneces *
Fecha tentativa de inicio de voluntariado *
Áreas de Interés *
¿Por qué deseas hacer un voluntariado en Wikiri Sapoparque? Máximo 1000 caracteres.
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